Abstract Lebanon presents a unique human environment in the Middle East with its long tradition of conviviality. The new atmosphere prevailing after September 11 has created tensions between, and within, individual countries. Even a place like Lebanon, has not been...
Abstract للمؤسّسات التربويّة دور هام في تنشئة الأفراد وبالتالي تأسيس المجتمعات على سبل تؤمّن تراصّها من جهة وعلاقتها مع بعضها من جهة أخرى. في عالم اختصرت فيه تقانات الاتصال المسافات وأصبح التواصل من سمات العصر، لا بد من التساؤل حول ماهيّة الأمور التي تسمح بقيام حضارة...
Abstract Near East is the geographical region covered by the Patriarchate of Antioch. Trying to foresee the future in this region is not an easy exercise considering how much the political scene has been changing in this region starting with the first decades of the...
Abstract En tant normal, l’Eglise vit son existence dans le monde dans un climat de tension inhérent au fait qu’elle est dans ce monde sans lui appartenir suivant les propres paroles du Christ. Au vingtième siècle, l’Eglise fut mise à vive épreuve et ceci est dû à une...
Abstract L’espace ecclésial est un espace où différentes composantes du développement de la personne humaine sont appelées à s’entremêler afin d’assurer l’évolution du croyant dans la transcendance à laquelle il est appelée. Dans son approche anthropologique, la...
Abstract Keywords Citation نحّاس، ج. ن. (2009). يوحنا الدمشقي: حضور مستمر ومتنوع في الكنيسة الجامعة. يوحنا الدمشقي: لاهوت وصورة ونغم. المؤتمر اللاهوتي السنوي الثالث. معهد القديس يوحنا الدمشقي اللاهوتي، جامعة البلمند. Full...
Abstract This paper is concerned with the utilisation of community based service learning programmes as means for advancing scholarship in all its forms. It examines how, in the absence of other alternative modalities, such student centred programmes may be exploited...
Abstract The objective of this presentation is to revisit the engineering education in the light of the educational, social, and market changes that have been taking place in the last ten years. These changes have a direct impact on engineering education as they give...
Abstract Educators and parents have long accepted, as obvious, the fact that students who perform well in mathematics and physics are the best candidates for becoming future engineering students. While in fact a good number of these students do not succeed in...
Abstract L’objectif de cet article, dans le cadre de ce séminaire, est de poser les jalons d’une réflexion sur l’Ethique (la Bioéthique n’étant qu’une des composantes les plus étudiées actuellement) qui se base sur une approche chrétienne...
Abstract Une identité est-elle nécessairement intrinsèque ou peut-elle être considéré comme une réalisation de soi pour l’Autre et par Lui ? L’objectif de cette intervention est de montrer que l’appartenance religieuse est ontologiquement libératrice ; l’utiliser pour...
Abstract Keywords Orthodoxy, democracy, antiochian Citation Nahas, G. N. (October 4-6, 2008). Orthodoxy and democracy, an Antiochian experience. In The Itineraries of World Religions towards Democracy. American University of Beirut & Friedrich Ebert Stiftung....
Abstract The objective of this presentation is to study to what extend a PBL learning process helps in concepts acquisition within the framework of an approach based on the principles of Cognitive Psychology, Constructivism and high mental skills. Any learning...
Abstract The objective of this presentation is to show, based on a case study, the role universities can play in creating an adequate atmosphere for intercultural dialogue in a pluralistic human environment such as Lebanon. Having in mind the multi-confessional...